Bekas Perdana Menteri kuku besi, Mahathir Mohamad rasanya tak perlulah nak sibuk-sibuk mempersoalkan Pengarang The Herald, Paderi Lawrence Andrew didalam tuntuntannya untuk menggunakan nama Allah di dalam Bible bahasa melayu.
Mahathir dulu pun didalam pemerintahannya, tak peduli terhadap pembangunan umat Islam serta pengukuhan agama tersebut didalam negara. Nasib baik lah ada pemimpin-pemimpin PAS yang berjuang bermati-matian mempertahankan kesucian Islam.
Tuan Guru Nik Aziz, Tuan Guru Hadi Awang, YB Mohamad Sabu, YB Mahfuz dan Ulamak-ulamak didalam PAS lah yang bertungkus-lumus memastikan syiar Islam tertegak di Malaysia dari dulu hingga sekarang. Kalau nak harapkan pada Mahathir dan puak-puak Umno, mungkin Malaysia kini akan jauh lebih teruk dari Thailand dari segi masalah sosialnya.
Mahathir juga bertanggung jawab memecat DS Anwar, iaitu sudah terbukti pemimpin yang bersih serta berperibadi mulia. Dan untuk menjatuhkan imej DS Anwar serta menimbulkan kemarahan rakyat terhadap DS Anwar, Mahathir mengupah ramai pelakon hebat supaya mengaku diliwat oleh pemimpin kesayangan rakyat itu.
Didalam hal nama Allah ini, Mahathir perlu ingat apa kata bekas mufti Perlis, Dr Asri Zainul Abidin. Bekas mufti tersebut sendiri mengakui Kristian dan Yahudi telah menggunakan nama Allah terlebih dahulu dari Nabi Muhammad.
Apakah Mahathir lebih tinggi ilmu ugamanya dari Dr Asri? Apakah Mahathir belajar lebih tentang ugama jika nak dibandingkan dengan bekas mufti Perlis tersebut?
DS Anwar yang penuh ilmu didada juga pernah menyatakan tak menjadi kesalahan untuk orang lain menggunakan nama Allah. Apakah Mahathir mahu menyanggah cakap DS Anwar yang sudah diketahui tinggi keimanannya berbanding bekas Perdana Menteri itu?
Tentu DS Anwar lebih mengetahui tentang ugama kerana beliau begitu konsisten dengan Islam sehinggakan mampu menjadi imam sembahyang serta menjadi khatib pada hari jumaat. Mampukah Mahathir melakukan sedemikian?
Yang paling penting, anak perempuan Mahathir sendiri bersetuju dengan penggunaan nama Allah oleh pihak Kristian. Datuk Marina juga selari dengan tuntutan Paderi Lawrence untuk menggunakan nama Allah didalam bible bahasa melayu. Mahathir seharusnya malu dengan anak perempuannya sendiri yang lebih bijak menilai antara intan dan kaca.
Sebab itulah Mahathir tak perlu berlakon alim dengan sibuk mengeluarkan kenyataan tentang isu nama Allah ini. Mahathir pun bukannya bagus sehingga setiap kenyataannya perlu dipatuhi oleh semua pihak. Patutnya Mahathir tak perlu lagi menyibuk soal politik negara. Mahathir harus sedar khidmatnya tak diperlukan lagi.
In reality The Church Priest is trying to protect the specific religious title given by the Holy Bible for people like him. If you wish to know what titles that Holy Bible meant for people like him simply read on ...
ReplyDeleteThings would not be has been such a mess if the Christian Catholic Church can consistently be worshiping their usual The Father The Son The Holy Ghost kind of name. What happen to that name now? What have made the Malaysian Catholic priest to change or to edit their holy scriptures? Did any God angel came down to advised them to change it ? You should ask your Catholic priest what had happened to that deity name? Has it already expiring or have expired and no longer suitable to be used? And asked them WHY? Don't you people think you people should deserved an answer? Because only an unimportant people don't deserved any answer or is it? Didn't the church regard their followers as sheep? Did you people think sheep can afford to reason out sensibly about this important issues? Personally I didn't know any sheep that can think. Please don't be such a sheep becoz if they (the Church priest) cannot provide a logical answer what do that litteraly means?
And we the Malaysian Muslim wants to know further. If the writer of this blog really thought that the Christian had been using kalimah Allah much earlier than Prophrt Muhammad SAW. Why there is no kalimah Allah any where in the Holy Bible King james version? So is the Christian "religion" is undergoing refurbishment or being evolutionized or rather being modified? Wow can't you see that only imperfect "thing" need to be modified from time to time. Is the Christian religion is like microsoft Windows 98 products that needed to be upgraded to Window 7 and had to be updated from time to time? That was why I asked, are you people doing experiment or fabricating new religion? I mean can you called that a true or experimenting religion?
Don't you feel it strange if you all can afford to accept this kind of madness blindly? Father Lawrence Andrew should not have changed any words or text in the Holy Bible unless if he think the book is not perfect and requires Malaysian priest edits. Wow did you people realizes that this man think his God is not perfect like him after all. Did this man know that even the Holy Bible had given dire warnings to any wannabe "creative" biblical scribes?
Deutronomy 4:2.
Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you
"...Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a LIAR. " ................. Revelation 22:18.
Don't add to his words, or he will rebuke you, and you will be shown to be a LIAR…….Proverbs 30:5
You all can see that the Holy Bible have gave him a LIAR title. Perhaps you all should ask Father Lawrence Andrew of why he and the rest of the Malaysian church priest have ignored their own Holy Scriptures warnings? Only a LIAR will believe another LIAR tales.
Kami Muslim Malaysia lebih berminat untuk dengar jawapan dari Father Lawrence Andrew daripada mencederakan orang seperti dia ... We don't need a riot if we can asked these people to answer some very important and critical facts.